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Debate Meme

Presidential Debate Memes: The Newest Trend on Twitter

Updated on Jun 27 2024 942 pm CDT

Presidential debate memes are taking over Twitter following the 2024 debate. The memes, which often feature humorous or satirical takes on the candidates and their policies, have become a popular way for people to engage with the political process.

Some of the most popular debate memes include:

  • A photo of one of the candidates with the caption "This is my serious face."
  • A video of one of the candidates making a gaffe, with the caption "Oops."
  • A photo of two of the candidates shaking hands, with the caption "Just kidding, we're all friends here."

The debate memes have been met with mixed reactions. Some people find them to be funny and harmless, while others believe that they are disrespectful to the candidates and the political process. Regardless of one's opinion, the memes have undoubtedly become a part of the 2024 election cycle.

Here are some tips for creating your own debate memes:

  1. Find a humorous or satirical image or video.
  2. Add a clever caption.
  3. Share your meme on Twitter using the hashtag #debatememes.

Who knows, your meme might just go viral!
